SIR – As I write this, it is Valentine’s Day and I think back to Monday, February 10, when I read Helen Mead’s column.

Helen is, in my opinion, a very talented writer with her feet very much on the ground, but having said this, I cannot ever recall her having anything good to say about her husband.

It is strange, but it is sometimes possible to feel sorry for someone without actually knowing them and I feel that Helen’s husband comes into this category.

Helen said: “In our 30-year relationship I’d say the likelihood of us getting divorced far outweighs that of having a romantic meal”.

On April 11, 2011, I thought that, at last, Helen had something good to say about her husband when she said Gordon had been having dental treatment and she had benefited from this as she now snuggles up to him and showers him with kisses.

‘At last’, I thought, ‘something romantic’, but I was wrong for Gordon turned out to be her cat.

Perhaps, just perhaps, one day she will have something good to say about her husband, but I am not holding my breath.

Dennis Delaney, The Avenue, Clayton