SIR – I agree with the sentiments from D A Pearce (Letters, January 21) re the changes to the Saltaire junction.

This junction is now much safer to negotiate than previously because of the installation of traffic lights, but the need to have an extra set of lights near the Shell garage has caused another problem with traffic having to wait when these lights are at red and causing a consequent build-up across the bottom of Moorhead Lane.

Another delay is also being caused by the introduction of a 20mph speed restriction down about half a mile of Saltaire Road. This is a major road and there is no need for this speed limit. Has it been introduced to avoid the cost of signage at the end of all the roads leading off which rightly do have a 20mph limit?

A final point from a pedestrian safety point of view, is why are the kerbs lowered near Saltaire Post Office but this is not designated as a pedestrian crossing? There is an accident waiting to happen at this spot.

D Slater, Fairmount Park, Shipley