SIR – Councillor Cooke’s memory of the council meeting on December 10 represents his opinion rather than absolute fact.

Great care was taken preparing the Labour motion that sought cross party support to write to Government to highlight the serious financial challenges facing Bradford.

It included local government funding to be distributed according to need, address inconsistencies between North and South, allow councils to raise income to deliver economic growth and fund the new responsibilities required through the Care Bill.

The final wording of the letter would have been agreed by all party leaders before signature.

The full motion can be found in the Council Minutes section of the Council website, so readers do not need to rely on either his memory or mine but can form their own judgement on the facts and whether this is politically slanted. Councilminutes.bradford. (Council agenda, December 10).

He and his colleagues are afraid of upsetting ‘their’ Government. If local politicians will not stand up to central government for fear of ‘antagonising’ them, they are not fit for office. To fear this risks further cuts and is the most damning indictment of all.

If we will not stand up for those we were elected to represent, then who will?

Councillor Lynne Smith, Labour Wibsey Ward, c/o City Hall, Bradford