SIR – Councillor Val Townend (Conservative, Baildon) is quite right (T&A, January 1) to criticise the proposal to build 110 new homes at Cliffe Lane West, Baildon before any improvement to the road infrastructure is in place.

The waffling response from Councillor Val Slater (Labour, Royds) ummed up exactly what is wrong with the ruling Labour group, and probably also the Council’s planners.

It is simply common sense, in this already overly congested location, to not allow any further developments until significant road improvements have been made. To do so in advance of these, as Councillor Slater appears to want, would be highly irresponsible, and a grave dis-service to Bradford ratepayers.

Unfortunately that sort of attitude seems rife in Bradford – no wonder that our city has become such a shambles in more recent times. We continue to be poorly served by politicians, and planners who seem to take no account of the problems encountered by us all. How very sad.

Bob Watson, Springfield Road, Baildon