SIR – Roz Hall in her letter (T&A, December 20) makes some excellent points.

Politics has always had a darker side where sometimes ‘the big lie’ (or distortion of the facts) is used to smear a political opponent.

The idea is, if it is repeated often enough, it can become seen as accepted truth. This is what has happened with regard to the Labour’s party’s economic record leading up to and after the economic crash of 2008.

The Conservatives constantly, and at every opportunity (the Liberal Democrats only to a slightly lesser extent), repeat the line of “the mess left behind by Labour” and thus far this seems to have been swallowed by a lot of the general public.

Labour has tried to address this re-writing of history, in which they actually had to use vast amounts of money in order to save the banks’ skins, people’s savings/finances and thus the British economy, but have generally been unsuccessful in getting their message across.

Sometimes the ‘myth’ seems more beguiling, but, while the Tories/Lib-Dems can hardly believe their luck, the Labour party will have to overcome this ‘perception’ if it is to improve its chances of winning office in 2015.

David Hornsby, West View Avenue, Wrose