SIR – Many national and local coalition politicians like to trot out the line that the public sector cuts and welfare ‘austerity’ measures they are dishing out are as a result of the mess left by ten years of Labour Government.

Under Labour, public spending did go up by about an extra eight per cent of Gross Domestic Product. The UK started from a low base after 15 years of Tory rule.

However, until the global crisis hit after 2008, Labour’s public spending levels were unexceptional by historic UK or international standards. The extra spending was not squandered, but went mainly on much-needed and valued services.

Health and education both increased as a proportion of public spending. There were new hospitals and schools; thousands more teachers, doctors and nurses. Nearly all the extra cash Labour spent on benefits went to children and pensioners. Public services improved. Waiting times fell. Young children had greater access to early years education.

If Labour policies impacted so negatively on our economic performance why were France, Italy and the USA also in recession? They had right-wing governments at the time of the crash.

It was the rescuing of the banks to protect the economy and thousands of families’ savings and mortgages that put the economy into deficit, not improving public services for all.

Roz Hall, Denholme Road, Oxenhope