SIR – Brilliant! The only word to describe it. The £6m investment plan by Crossley Evans for their railway-connected recycling site in the centre of Shipley (T&A, December 6).

This, I am sure, will have the support of the majority of people in the area, who already appear to be substantially opposed to a supermarket on that site.

In the view of many, a supermarket in that location would be a disaster for Shipley town centre, and a nightmare scenario for traffic on Otley Road.

It is surely by far the worst of the three supermarket proposals on the table, and this hugely welcome plan by Crossley Evans will hopefully sway the Council planners accordingly. Indeed, one would like to think that our planners would take account of any majority view when making the final decision.

Well done Matthew Evans, your proposal is a game-changer if ever there was one.

Bob Watson, Springfield Road, Baildon