SIR – Many have been touched by Nelson Mandela’s (pictured) death and most importantly inspired by his life. He stood up against injustice and tyrannical state power and spent 27 years of his life behind bars, mostly at the mercy of a brutal prison regime. Yet he triumphed in the end.

Unfortunately, sad to say, many other ‘prisoners of conscience’ still suffer this penal servitude right now around the world, their crime being they spoke out against over-arching state power that wishes to crush dissent, intimidate and terrorise their populations.

But, if you wish to do something and make a difference following the great man’s lead, one simple step can help a great deal. has the names of people of many nationalities, details of how they came to be detained in prison and what can be done to help to set them free.

All are political prisoners who have committed no criminal offence, but are ‘inconvenient’ and ‘unwanted’ in their own countries.

Together we can follow Mandela’s lead and make a difference collectively. These small initial steps can lead to the “long walk to freedom” envisaged and experienced by Nelson Mandela.

David Hornsby, West View Avenue, Wrose