SIR – To find a perfect example of smug, arrogant selfishness, you could do little better than refer to the letter you published on November 19 from the three Bingley councillors in which they criticised Bradford Council’s plan to build 1,400 houses in their area.

I assume that none of them live in caves or up trees, so their homes when built would have meant an earlier swathe of Bingley’s green and pleasant land being ‘concreted over’ and even earlier residents’ views blighted.

The T&A also speaks with forked tongue on these matters by running regular and often simultaneous features referred to as The Bradford Housing Time Bomb and Save our Green Fields.

The problem is for the likes of yourselves and local Tory councillors that while everyone is theoretically in favour of more homes being built, for political advantage (for them) and commercial advantage (for you) any support for additional housing must be qualified by an insistence that it take place elsewhere.

Brian Holmans, Langley Road, Bingley

  • EDITOR’S NOTE: Our two campaigns are entirely consistent – because what Bradford needs most is AFFORDABLE housing in urban areas not losing acres of vital green belt to executive homes that only the better-off have the wherewithal to buy.