SIR – While Mr Beaumont (Letters, November 23) and the usual braying horde continue to rejoice at the fall from grace of Mr P Flowers, there are a few points he (and they) should note.

The Co-op Bank was one of the very few high-street banks not involved in the activity which prompted the financial collapse of 2008. I gather that Mr Flowers was chairman of the Co-op Bank, surely a non-executive position? So those who refer to Mr Flowers as a ‘banker’ or suggest he had any part in the financial troubles at the Co-op are, sadly, wrong on both counts.

Finally in assuming that as a supporter of (what is laughingly known as) the ‘Labour’ party, I would be heartbroken at the revelations about Mr Flowers. Mr Beaumont is, similarly, wrong on both counts.

Christopher Hindle, Osterley Grove, Bradford