SIR – Let me challenge Brian Holmans’s letter (T&A, October 26) regarding the word ‘slut’.

I didn’t realise he was brought up in the back streets of Manningham in the 1940’s, where the word was used to describe a lazy untidy woman, and only that.

It was a word only used by other women, that is why Godfrey Bloom said it jokingly in front of women, causing them to laugh...get it! Even Nick Farage didn’t get it!

I really am not interested in ‘Roget’s Thesaurus of 1930’ because I was there.

Perhaps Mr Holmans can look up the word ‘gay’ in Roget’s book, and it will probably say ‘a fun lively colourful entertaining man, good company for ladies’.

Gary Lorriman, North Walk, Harden, Bingley