SIR – Bob Watson’s rebuttal (Letters, October 19) of Michael Mallory’s contention that affordable houses should be built in Baildon is based on legitimate current reasons.

However as an ‘oft-comed ‘un’ of 50 years’ standing, what right have I to deny others such a beneficial domicile?

Areas adjacent to the moor were once thriving communities which were demolished under the guise of health and sanitation, while Baildon Moor itself, through extensive iron and coal workings, could be regarded as a brownfield site ripe for redevelopment.

When the cork finally blows out of the bottle of central Bradford’s burgeoning population, they will have to go somewhere, and Baildon could be the site of well maintained estates of affordable houses. The only reason why not are the traffic bottlenecks of Otley Road and Baildon Hill.

Continuation of the M606 as originally envisaged to join up with the Bingley bypass would facilitate additional routes into Baildon and allow the increasingly younger and hungry population to service the industries brought in by better communications.

For once let us forget about the consultants, follow the gut feeling of experience and spit the pips out afterwards.

John Pashley, Westcliffe Avenue, Baildon