SIR – Michael Mallory tells us (T&A, October 14) that Baildon is in need of many more affordable homes so that young people are able to live there.

Now while this may indeed be a commendable suggestion, unfortunately it is simply not possible to get a quart into a pint pot.

Baildon is already virtually at breaking point, being substantially built on, and there are hardly any “green lungs” left among the many properties.

These very few green spaces need to be retained and, quite frankly, the village is already full, unless it is intended that the moor be built upon.

Further, there are very significant traffic problems getting out of the village, and without first substantially improving the transport infrastructure, any more houses – even if there was room to build them – would just make these problems even worse.

If people have to move away a little to fulfil their dreams, then sadly this is sometimes the only realistic option.

Bob Watson, Springfield Road, Baildon