SIR — The developer trying to justify his proposal for a new supermarket on the long-established Crossley Evans recycling site in the centre of Shipley (T&A, October 11), thus destroying a successful business, states that the benefits “cannot be matched.”

This is certainly a matter of conjecture, with very many still considering the proposal to be by far the worst of the three currently on the table.

Without doubt in my view this supermarket would be totally in the wrong place, and would do untold damage to Shipley, both regarding existing businesses, but especially in traffic terms. Why can’t they be honest and admit that most visitors to this supermarket would go straight home, and certainly not then spend more time in Shipley?

The artist’s impression showing little traffic, and pedestrians crossing an almost empty Otley Road, was risible.

It was also noted that they have re-submitted their original plans, which no doubt negates all the objections that were originally lodged. Another example of the methods used by such developers.

This plan would be a disaster for Shipley, and one has to hope that the planners will give it the short thrift it deserves.

Bob Watson, Springfield Road, Baildon