SIR – I wonder at the mindset of the Bradford Council planning department. They do seem to genuinely believe that what the people of Bradford desperately need are more opportunities to spend money they don’t have.

The Westfield debacle is an obvious case in point, but more recently we hear that the demolition of the Roebuck pub at Greengates is to be the site of a new frozen food retail outlet.

It seems clear that the planners have never used this bottleneck junction in peak periods, for if they had, and witnessed the traffic congestion – sometimes in excess of a mile in all four directions – they would realise what this junction desperately needs is a roundabout.

If the planners are really concerned about the future commercial vibrancy of the city, a good place to start would be to enable the citizens of Bradford to get to their work without wasting 20 minutes negotiating this and other ill-managed junctions.

Although, if recent history is any indication, a roundabout may well be eventually installed, but then its usefulness would be immediately negated by installing traffic lights.

Christopher Hindle, Osterley Grove, Bradford