SIR – So David Cameron has promised a referendum on Europe if re-elected. I recall Tony Blair promising the same, but reneged once elected.

Should Mr Cameron keep this promise (the proverbial carrot) it is political subterfuge as it does not necessarily mean that he has to act on the outcome. He has only promised to hold the referendum.

Geographically we are part of Europe but are poles apart nationally. I do not believe we would score any points in the Eurovision Song Contest even if Abba represented us. And who can forget the famous snub at an EU summit when President Sarkozy and Angela Merkel (pictured) both rudely turned away when David Cameron tried to shake hands?

We did not sign up to Europe for European out-and-out rule. It was supposed to be a trade agreement which resulted in abandoning our Commonwealth ties and saying goodbye to most of our industries.

Now all Europe buys almost all its goods from China which are cheap but only last for a year and a day.

It’s time the Liberal Democrats took their heads out of the sand and stepped into the real world.

Elaine Neale, Gordon Terrace, Idle