SIR – Re ‘Facing Climate Facts’, Jason Smith’s latest epistle (Letters, April 25).

I do try to be precise in my letters, as far as room allows. I don’t believe that I definitely stated that (all) extreme weather is climate change in action. For the logical reasons given, some or much may (well) be.

This isn’t contrary to the reports quoted by Mr Smith, one of which was that extreme weather cannot reliably be linked to increased CO2 in the atmosphere. Some (or much) may (well) be.

Nor do extreme events necessarily immediately follow increased CO2. Other events such as sunspots may override its influence in the short term and then there are whatever process(es) which led to glaciations in recent geological time.

Mr Smith might well quote (selected) bits of scientific papers all day, but without a critical analysis of the facts and evidence, there is little point in doing so.

John Hall, Pennithorne Avenue, Baildon