SIR – Last week I had the need to take my sick partner to Ward 20 at the BRI.

Over the last few weeks a one-way traffic system has been introduced. This, on the face of it, seems a good idea, but for a couple of things.

Firstly, they have put narrows strips across the roadway at regular intervals.

These strips resemble a triangle and stand around 4in high. The impact when crossing these strips is horrendous for anyone but it is particularly so for ill patients.

After the first drive across these strips, my partner, who was already in severe pain, was now suffering tenfold even though I had driven as slow as possible. After this I had to drop her off and go and park the car, with the same procedure having to be adopted on the return journey.

The second problem is the amount of drivers who cannot see or undetrstand the ‘No Entry’ signs and the ‘One Way’ arrows which are clearly displayed.

I just felt that this might help any patient having to endure my partner’s experience.

B Butterfield, Stone Hall Mews, Eccleshill