SIR – I read with pleasure your article about the Warm Homes Health Partnership (‘Groups’ action will keep Bradford elderly warm’, January 8) which aims to help keep vulnerable and elderly people warm this winter.

In Calderdale, we are also very aware of the problems that can be created by fuel poverty. We know rising prices are a concern.

We have the power to reduce bills if we join together. That’s why Calderdale Council is joining up with a few other councils to get the best deal for our residents by running a collective switching scheme.

On January 29, an online energy auction will take place with energy providers. They will be offered the chance to supply people across Calderdale who have signed up to the scheme.

I’d like to extend an invitation to Bradford residents to take part. Visit our website at or call us on 0800 0093363.

Each provider will bid for your custom by offering their cheapest energy deal. The best-value provider will then be chosen and that deal offered to all those who signed up to the scheme. Once you receive your offer you can decide whether to accept or decline.

The more households that sign up, the better deal we get for everyone.

Councillor David Hardy, Calderdale Council, Halifax Town Hall, Halifax