SIR – We have recently seen benefits rolled up under the new name of ESA.

Depending on the luck of the draw, people on previous benefits will be placed either in the support group, work-related group, or on the appeal allowance (while their appeal is heard) or on to JSA.

Firstly, if you are in the support group, you need not work, however, your benefit is now taxable, so you will lose out on tax credits.

If you are in the work-related group, the DWP will have you believe all is well and not to worry, they just want to talk to you now and then. What they fail to tell you is payment will only be made for 12 months. It is then up to the sick person to be kept by their working partners or look for a job lying to employers that you are fit for work!

I’m sorry, but the UK is fast going into poverty. All I can say is the people making these laws need an education.

Karen McDonald, Canal Side, Silsden