SIR - Alec Suchi (T&A letters, October 7), is partly right about climate change.

True, as it is about 10,000 years since the last Glacial Period, the "fossil" record suggests that it is about time for another (very) cold spell.

However, basic physics where energy cannot be created or destroyed, but only changed in form indicates that that the more heat energy one traps in the atmosphere by increasing the amount of greenhouse gases, (carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuels, chloro-fluoro-carbons etc): the more water evaporates and condenses to create floods, the stronger the winds etc.

We only have some weather statistics from some areas for possibly a few hundred years, suggesting that we are having more extreme weather events.

Should we be curbing the production of greenhouse gases to prevent possible runaway climate change? That is the question.

John Hall, Pennithorne Avenue, Baildon