SIR - Bradford readers need to avoid being completely duped by the West Yorkshire Combined Authority’s proposals for mass transit.

At present, £200m is allocated to preparatory studies but only half of one of the three proposed routes will benefit any part of Bradford. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg because the anticipated Phase 1 £1bn construction spend will similarly go mostly to Leeds.

That’s because proposed Phase 1 routes are north-east and south out of Leeds centre, and west of Leeds centre reaching the centre of Bradford so duplicating existing well served connections but not serving most Bradfordians’ movements. The outcome will be development centralisation in Leeds, and Leeds preying on Bradford for labour.

The £200m central Government allocation is to West Yorkshire so surely Bradford ought to get its share proportionate to its population?

But currently Leeds is committing daylight larceny of the studies spend (and later delivery) on mass transit. What next? Bradford rate-payers being asked to fund all this indulgence in tram operations in Leeds via their council tax precepts?

To provide context: £200m equates to an annual £300 winter fuel payment to every West Yorkshire retired person for over 11 years.

Your councillors sitting on the WYCA Transport Committee need waking up lest they persist being hoodwinked or negligent in representing your interests. See and write directly to Mayor Tracy Brabin, WYCA, 40-50 Wellington Street, Leeds, LS1 2DE or email preferably before September 30 to express your objection to this misallocation of monies.

AJ Plumb, Bradford