SIR - We constantly read that the city centre suffers from anti-social behaviour and that security is to be increased now that the road alterations are close to completion.

I have yet to see any comment on the connection between anti-social behaviour and the number of single occupancy apartments existing in or very close to the city centre.

Realistically, we know that young professionals are unlikely to rent these apartments at the present time. They therefore become inhabited by young people with issues of various kinds. These young people then congregate socially at various points in the city centre, making some people feel awkward and certainly tarnishing the reputation of this great city.

Yet constantly we see new planning applications being made for yet more single occupancy apartments and these being passed.

Bringing our many fabulous, but unoccupied, buildings back into use is a creditable ambition but single occupancy apartments are not the way forward.

D Firth, Overdale Drive, Thackley