SIR - Appalling reports in this T&A (July 30) tell how the new socialist chancellor has made her first move to destroy her political enemies the OAPs!

Starting by sucking funds out of pensioners by cancelling most winter fuel allowances and directing the benefit to the bloated over staffed under worked Labour voting public sector. Shameless political manoeuvring!

In my case approaching 82, along with all octogenarians and older, I got the most wonderful truly generous winter fuel help for the Conservative government of double the standard higher payment of £300 receiving £600 for two years running. It made all the difference to my winter finances and I praised them.

Rachel Reeves is taking the eldest and vulnerable pensioners from £600 to zero in one dreadful move at very short notice. It is going to be a very bleak winter for the truly elderly, many will die of thermal deprivation.

Alan Chapman, Beck Lane, Bingley