SIR - With temperatures set to climb to 32 degrees in some parts of the UK today, we must protect the animals we share our homes with, who face an increased risk of suffering from heat stress and other physical harm that can be permanent - and even fatal.

Keeping animals safe is simple. Never leave them in a parked car in warm weather, even for short periods with the windows slightly open. On a 32-degree day, the inside of a vehicle parked in the sun can reach 42 degrees in just 10 minutes. A dog trapped inside a parked car can succumb to heatstroke within minutes - even when the car isn’t parked in direct sunlight - because unlike humans, dogs can cool themselves only by panting and by sweating through their paw pads.

Please, leave animals indoors at home instead. Even brief periods of direct sun exposure can have life-threatening consequences. If animals must be outdoors, they should have access to ample water and plenty of shade - and only be walked in the early mornings or late evenings, when it’s cooler.

For more information on keeping animals safe, please visit

Lucy Watson, PETA Foundation