SIR - In 2010 the Brown Labour government was replaced by a coalition government, they inherited what was described massive National debt.

This is the reason that undermined slow growth, ergo Labour politicians asserted low growth was a Conservative Party fault.

Due to the world wide pandemic, along with lockdowns, the national financial position is significantly worse today!

Left wing academic politicians are always full of the theory of everything. Now let us watch them make another mess of the next five years.

Chancellor Rachel Reeves promises to go for growth by releasing a stimulated private sector! Relying on higher turnover, producing higher gross profits to encourage entrepreneurs to invest.

In contrast the Deputy Prime Minister, Angela Rayner, is planning to introduce draconian employment laws, agreed with leading trade union barons who she has consulted throughout last 12 months. Thus all the extra profits become dissipated to the workforce staff, so what is the point of increased effort by the employers?

Yet another socialist conundrum dreamt up by Labour politicians devoid of business acumen. Give them rope to hang themselves.

Alan Chapman, Beck Lane, Bingley