SIR - Shopkeeper Danish Zafar in Liversedge has pleaded guilty to food hygiene offences and now sentenced (T&A, July 2).

According to the report his outlet had a history of non-compliance at the premises dating back to 2020.

Environmental Health officers visited the premises on a number of occasions in 2022 and offered support to Zafar to make the necessary improvements.

Despite all their efforts he failed to take the required action.

Whilst it is good to see that this man has been prosecuted, it is concerning, in view of his dreadful record going back four years, that it only resulted in a fine of £120 with a £48 surcharge and costs of £1,500.

Surely for the safety of the public a much harsher sentence or even a business closure would have been far more appropriate?

Bob Watson, Springfield Road, Baildon