SIR - The "reckless" owner of a million pound illegal waste tyre dump which caught fire in November 2020 causing massive disruption in the city centre for some considerable time, has now been found guilty and sentenced (T&A, June 26).

Judge Jonathan Gibson jailed the owner, Stuart Bedford, for 12 months for each count relating to Bradford, plus eight months for further charges relating to a Doncaster business.

Unbelievably these are all to run concurrently rather than consecutively, making this weak sentence an utter joke. Well done Judge Gibson.

The sole director of the company was Bedford's wife Vicky, who was given a community order. Considering the responsibilities that come with being a company director this too was a rather pathetic sentence.

Just what is wrong with our local judiciary who continue to hand down sentences with very limited deterrent time after time?

Bob Watson, Springfield Road, Baildon