SIR - The Conservative manifesto’s commitment to encourage the building of housing for older people is good to see but detail is needed on how they’d do it.

Labour’s promise to reform planning rules to build 1.5 million more homes is also positive but there is a risk that focusing directly on young people does nothing to support older people who want to move - which could free up family-sized homes and benefit all generations.

In the last 40 years, the number of people aged 65-plus has increased by more than 3.5 million. Our ageing society means we need a national strategy on housing for older people, integrated within wider health and social care policies.

Increasing supply is important but not the only way to bring about improvements to the housing and living conditions of older people. Older people should have access to independent information, advice and advocacy around housing and care options in later life as well as the right to access practical, affordable housing repair and adaptation services.

With politicians being rightly grilled over how to fund expensive election promises, not all housing solutions have to come with a hefty price tag. For example, Government should implement without delay the existing commitment to increase accessibility standards of new homes.

A lack of money is one thing. A lack of political will is quite another and it’s frankly shocking that the implications of our ageing society do not get debated more by politicians. It’s crucial that the next government delivers for the older people of today and tomorrow.”

Mario Ambrosi, Chair of the Housing and Ageing Alliance and Director of Communications for Anchor