SIR- Emma Clayton wrote well on D-Day 80th anniversary in T&A June 6. The stoicism and bravery of those involved in Operation Overlord should never be forgotten, and should be seen as an example today on conduct and discipline.

However, the current British PM, Rishi Sunak will go down in history as leaving the 80th commemoration in Northern France early, for no good reason. Possibly the last major commemoration with surviving participants. The apparent lack of awareness by him and his team is astonishing.

This was the biggest and most significant operation in British and allied military history. More than anything else, we owe our lives and freedoms to those service people, in an operation that took almost a year to complete in Western Europe in 1944 to 1945, to remove Hitler's Fascist rule at great cost to life. With the Red Army approaching from the East, it ultimately led to victory in World War 2.

It is also a disgrace that many people today are unaware of what D-Day means. The vanity, materialism and hedonism of today means nothing if they can't recall this event and explain what it means.

Alan Bates, Coach Road, Baildon