SIR - With 60 years of both public service and commercial experience in paint manufacturing may I be allowed to express no surprise whatsoever at the revelations made at the Post Office Inquiry?

The shambolic situation most certainly should not be attributed to any single individual but laid firmly at the door of the majority of the directors, senior staff, lawyers and the supplier of Horizon.

Many appear to have been promoted above their capability, many were unable to persistently ask the searching questions and then they were too easily fobbed off! Many too easily settled for a quiet, cosy, generously over-remunerated existence!

I will not be alone in recognising these human frailties.

Nor will I be surprised if Grenfell Tower, Infected Blood, Covid, Brexit, Et al unfurl a similar sorry tale.

Dale Smith, former Bradford District councillor and former Lord Mayor, Craven Park, Menston