SIR - I occasionally travel to Ilkley by train from Bradford on a day off work. It's been so cold lately, I have ended up in Ilkley Library to stay warm.

I have been very disappointed with my visits. The first time, I went to the counter and asked for a book about Lord Lucan. The staff member just shrugged her shoulders (she didn't appear to recognise the name Lord Lucan) and walked away.

At the City Library in Bradford, the staff member searched the shelves for a Lord Lucan book (and found one) even though nothing came up on the computer.

The second time I had a lovely cup of tea as part of the Cost of Living Warm Spaces initiative. I asked if there were toilets and was told "No, but there are toilets at Tesco and in the town centre." What do the staff do when caught short?

I think I will stick to Bradford library which has more courteous staff, warm drinks AND toilets.

Paul Parker, Mill Street, Bradford