SIR - Your paper has kindly published a number of my letters objecting to Brexit, so this letter may represent a surprise.

I have just come across an instance of Brexit having a very beneficial outcome. I am sure that Jacob Rees-Mogg (Minister for Brexit Opportunities) will be delighted by this.

The trauma and damage experienced by the UK in cutting itself off from its EU membership has had a significant impact on opinion in the R27 - the remaining 27 nations. The appetite of continental members to do their own version of Brexit has fallen to new low levels.

A universities-based research project, The European Research Project, measured levels of anti-EU feeling in 2016 and between 2020-22. In every single country the desire to leave the EU has fallen significantly - the most egregious examples being Finland. In 2016 the Finnish 'score' for leaving was 28.6per cent. Last year that had fallen to 15.4per cent - meaning it had almost halved.

This attitudinal change is due in large part to continental populations observing just how badly Brexit has turned out.

It is high time that our two main political parties had the honesty to acknowledge that fact and level with the UK general public.

John Cole Chair Bradford for Europe, Oakroyd Terrace, Baildon