SIR - The armchair warriors have once again mounted their high horses, this time to berate Prince Harry. His crime has been daring to suggest that during two tours in Afghanistan he might have killed up to 25 Taliban fighters.

It ill becomes those sensitive souls who have never seen active service or been under fire to criticise the actions of someone who in any other circumstances would be called a war hero.

I suspect that in large part this is a reaction by so called royal experts to their feelings of unease brought about by Harry’s real war experience. A state of mind first recognised by Dr Samuel Johnson in 1778 when he wrote: ‘A man feels meanly of himself who has not been a soldier nor served at sea.’

And finally Harry’s critics might like to reflect on what in today’s jargon we would call the mission statement for weapon training and which I first came across during my National Service in 1955. It reads: To teach all ranks the most effective way of using their weapons to KILL the enemy!

Brian Holmans, Langley Road, Bingley