SIR - If this Conservative Government was an employee of a capitalist company (whose philosophy they claim to have) they would be sacked on the spot.

They are are entirely responsible for the destruction of the NHS which has been in progress for many years.

As people die either waiting for an ambulance or die waiting to be offloaded and treated there is no information on the excess deaths this is creating, as we saw during the Covid fiasco. Where are the daily BBC Downing Street public broadcasts with the sycophantic health 'experts' now?

And if this country was a democracy we would be holding them to account with a general election at the very east. If not criminal prosecution.

At best their policy and neglect of the NHS is gross incompetence. At worse a deliberate policy to privatise it. Their long held ambition to privatise is underway and the American private health and pharmaceutical companies are smacking their lips in anticipation. And in our sham democracy the 'electorate' can do nothing.

How can any decent person support the Conservatives and why isn’t their a mass demand for a general election?

Democracy? It’s a sick joke that the NHS can’t treat and we have no vaccine for.

Malcolm Naylor, Cowpasture Road, Ilkley