SIR - Few would argue with Philip Davies MP (T&A, November 23) when he suggests that the illegal trade in cross channel immigration has to be stopped.

Many more however would agree that doing so by punishing the immigrants (by deportation to Rwanda) to discourage the smugglers is perverse. This is akin to a not yet introduced method of reducing crime by prosecuting householders for allowing burglars into their homes.

The real answer is to catch and imprison the smuggling gangs but this requires co-operation between law enforcement agencies in the UK and across the EU. Sadly this option has been allowed to wither as successive Conservative governments have decided that adherence to the principals of Brexit are more important than any joint approach. This has meant that our continental partners no longer see the whole sorry business as a priority as it is our problem not theirs.

Thankfully the recently installed Sunak led government and its new Northern Ireland Secretary in particular have signalled a more co-operative approach to matters European which might at long last make an effective control system a reality.

Brian Holmans, Langley Road, Bingley