CHILDREN from Low Ash Primary School took centre stage when they helped to officially open the new £4 million Co-operative food store on Wrose Road.

The youngsters joined store manager Daniel Pelissier and colleagues to open the new store, which replaces the former shop next door and where three new jobs have been created.

The new convenience store has been designed to make shopping easier and more enjoyable for customers offering a wide selection of fresh and chilled products, and an improved in-store bakery, a customer car park, wider aisles and a cash machine. The new store also opens an hour earlier than the previous shop at 6am until 11pm every day.

Nicola Brame has been appointed the store’s “community pioneer” as part of a new programme giving members of the store team an additional remit to foster strong local community links, including volunteering opportunities .

Daniel Pelissier said: “The Co-operative is a community retailer and we are committed to playing a real role in local life. I as delighted to welcome children from Low Ash Primary School to share in our special day, and to play a key role in the opening.”