A BRADFORD-based law firm has launched a free online library containing answers to more than 3,000 legal questions.

The initiative by LCF Law covers a range of legal issues handled by the the firm’s main divisions, including corporate law, property, disputes, tax and personal issues. Subjects include property leases to prenuptial agreements, traffic offences to employment issues.

Simon Stell, managing partner (pictured), said: “Many businesses and individuals shy away from using traditional law firms due to fears about cost and the complicated legal jargon often associated with our industry but we’re working hard to change this." Visit lcf.co.uk/library “Following our rebrand and the introduction of our ‘Law Fair and Square’ strap-line, a large part of our company ethos is firmly focused on making legal advice readily available and easy to understand.

“This legal library is a key part of this and offers answers to common questions that clients, as well as our 3,500 Twitter followers, regularly ask us and it’s already proving to be hugely popular.”

The new library can be accessed at lcf.co.uk/library,