Quest Taekwondo member Jacob Barnett has become the British International Open junior and Senior champion at the tender age of 16.

The teenager's two gold medals after only a brief time in the sport were part of a 12-medal haul (five gold, four silver and three bronze) for the club.

As well as being an A-class student, Jacob, who has found confidence and self belief from the sport, also finds time to mentor those younger than him, suich as warming them up before contests - a venture that means he gets lots of positive feedback.

Fast-improving Jacob, who has trained with Quest Taekwondo founder, 7th Dan Master Michael McKenzie, since he was six, took gold in the junior (age 14 to 17) under-68 kg category and also won the senior (age 18 to 35) category at the same weight.

He defeated Ultimate Taekwondo's John Steele, last year's Dutch Open winner, British National silver medallist and british Open bronze medallist, 13-10 in the seniors before seeing off Italy's Michele Papa 4-2 in the final. 

In the junior category, Sir Titus Salt School pupil Jacob beat Original Taekwondo's Madhi Massumi 9-8 and, in the final, 2012 Dutch Open silver medallist Noah Lanz, of Germany, 2-1.  

About two-and-a-half years ago, McKenzie invited Jacob to restart his training with local Quest instructor Rick Simpson, a 4th Dan Black Belt. 

Jacob, who will study maths, physics an PE in the Sixth Form from September,  is a 2nd Dan Black Belt in the Korean martial art, achieving his First Dan Black Belt at the age of nine and his Second Dan five years later. He is now working towards his Third Dan.

He is currently in training for the British Nationals at the Manchester Velodrome on September 8-9, where he is entered in the same two categories, with the hope of being selected to represent Great Britain in the 2-13 European Junior Championships in Portugal next March.

Jacob's ultimate ambition is to be selected for the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio.