A police hunt for a gunman was continuing today after a man was shot in a “targeted attack” in Bradford on Saturday.

The 31-year-old local man was left with a bullet wound to his leg after the shooting which took place as he walked back to his car from shops on Clayton Road, in Lidget Green, at 5.20pm.

The victim, who has not been named, was taken to hospital where he was due to have surgery yesterday. Police say his injuries are not believed to be life-threatening.

Residents on the street described seeing the injured man lying on the ground outside M&H newsagents, at the junction with Hollingwood Avenue, after the attack.

One woman, who did not want to be named, said an elderly woman placed her coat over the victim as they waited for police and paramedics to arrive.

She said: “I didn’t hear the gunshot, so at first I thought the man had been punched or something. I took a blanket across for the woman because she was looking freezing.

“I just can’t believe what’s happened. I have children who play nearby – it’s a quiet road, so you don’t expect something like this to happen.” A man, who works at a nearby shop, said he heard a “loud bang”.

He added: “I didn’t see what happened, but afterwards there were police everywhere. It’s shocking.”

Police cordoned off Hollingwood Avenue as they examined the scene on Saturday evening. Neighbours said they returned to the scene yesterday morning to search nearby drains.

Officers believe the gunman approached his victim from nearby Lowell Avenue and fled on foot in the same direction.

A police spokesman said officers were treating the incident as a “targeted attack” and appealed to anyone who saw anything suspicious to contact them.

He added: “The investigation is at an early stage and no arrests have been made at the present time.”

The suspect is described as a male wearing dark clothing.

Ward Councillor John Godward (Lab, Great Horton) condemned the use of firearms on the streets of Bradford and urged anyone with information to contact police.

He said: “I hope whoever has done this is apprehended as quickly as possible because they are a danger on our streets.

“Whoever has done this is a disgrace to the community and I hope anyone with information will contact the police so they can be brought to justice.

“When I heard what had happened I was shocked. We don’t have a big problem with gun or knife crime in the Great Horton ward and do a lot of work in schools to let children know if they do see someone with a weapon to report it to the police.

“Anyone who’s carrying a weapon is a danger. I hope whoever’s done this is caught so we can send out a message that this won’t be tolerated.”

Witnesses or anyone with information should call the police’s Homicide and Major Enquiry Team on 101.