A senior councillor has confirmed that road repairs will be made to a deteriorating High Street little more than two years after it was part of a £1m regeneration scheme.

Numerous complaints have been made about the state of Yeadon High Street following the major project, including calls from three Liberal Democrat ward councillors for repair work.

But now Leeds City Council has confirmed that it will do remedial work along the road, having taken samples of the surface away for analysis earlier this year.

Highways officers have agreed to resurface the road and put in a special membrane to strengthen it and stop it deteriorating again, and the work will take place this financial year.

The news has been welcomed by the three Lib Dems representing the Otley and Yeadon ward, who had previously hit out at the council for the problems, but said it should never have happened in the first place.

Councillor Ryk Downes said: “I’m pleased that we’re finally making progress on getting Yeadon High Street up to the condition residents are entitled to expect.

“The road is in an appalling state and residents should not have had to suffer it for so long.”

Councillor Richard Lewis, the council’s executive member for economy and development, said: “It is good to see Lib Dem councillors recognising the commitment the Labour Council in Leeds has made to improve the condition of our road network, with Yeadon High Street being a prime example of this work.

“Despite the huge cuts to our budget imposed by the Government, we continue to prioritise investment in our road network and fund an ongoing maintenance programme.”

As part of the £1m regeneration scheme, the carriageway was moved and the road narrowed.