A discussion forum set up to enable Muslim women to debate issues with political and community leaders was holding its first meeting today.

Labour Party leader Ed Miliband was the guest speaker at The Bradford Circle, formed by the city’s Muslim Women’s Council.

The organisation said Mr Miliband had agreed to attend the National Media Museum event as part of efforts to engage with the city’s Muslim communities following the party’s shock defeat in the Bradford West by-election.

The Bradford Circle, which aims to provide opportunities for discussion on leadership, representation and issues impacting on Muslim women, will hold regular events with politicians, community leaders and business representatives.

Muslim Women’s Council director Selina Ullah, said: “The forum has been set up to promote a society where Muslim women have a strong and effective voice to influence and lead positive social change.

“We know the Muslim community not only faces challenges, but also has much to offer.

“With a variety of Government policies having a particular impact on the Muslim community, such as the ‘war on terror’ and immigration, we will provide a space to discuss these issues.

“We know sometimes these will be controversial, but we are determined to provide a voice for the many women in our community who often feel disenfranchised and powerless.

“The recent by-election in this city showed how crucial it is for everyone to make sure they engage with women and young people who have often felt marginalised and ignored, notably in the Muslim community. We are delighted that Mr Miliband has agreed to be at our launch event and listen to local women.”

Mr Miliband was also to be among Labour Party heavyweights speaking at the Yorkshire and Humber conference at Bradford University today.

Main speakers at the event also include Ed Balls, Yvette Cooper, Caroline Flint and Hilary Benn.