A 21-year-old man on trial accused of deliberately stabbing his mother in the face told the jury he loved her and it was an accident.

Mohammed Zanul Islam Hussain denies wounding Hafsa Begum with intent to cause her grievous bodily harm on August 13 last year.

Mrs Begum suffered a life-threatening injury when the knife narrowly missed the main blood vessel to her brain.

Today Hussain, of Water Lily Road, Heaton, Bradford, told Bradford Crown Court he was shocked when he realised what he had done.

He said it was “unbelievable”.

Asked by his lawyer, Simon Hustler: “Do you love your mother?”

Hussain replied from the witness box: “Of course I love my mother.”

He said he suffered a blackout about the incident but recalled what had happened after speaking some time afterwards to his aunt and other relatives. At first he thought he had been arrested for no reason but then family members told him what had happened.

Hussain said they thought it was an accident. His mother and brother had wanted to withdraw their witness statements because they knew he did not mean to do it.

Hussain said he had been drinking before the incident. He denied that he was dangerous and said it was “a genuine accident.”

“It is a big mistake and will never happen again,” he told the jury.

The court has heard that Hussain suffers from paranoia and bipolar disorder.

Prosecutor Mehran Nassiri said he dealt with his mental illness by drinking alcohol to excess.

He was taken home on August 13 after police officers found him in Bradford city centre intoxicated and asking to see the Prime Minister.

At 8.30pm he began shouting at his mother, accusing her of using black magic.

His brother Habib intervened, restraining him in a bear hug.

Mr Nassiri said Hussain went into the kitchen for a knife and Habib found their mother with a blade embedded in her face.

Police were called and Hussain was discovered hiding in a garden.

The trial continues.