Parents are calling for a scrapped bus service to be reinstated, claiming its removal is making it difficult for their children to get to school.

Residents in the Windhill and Wrose areas of Shipley say they are concerned about recent bus service changes, including the removal of the 624, run by operator First Bus, which used to stop outside Titus Salt School, Baildon.

The bus has been replaced by a service that terminates in Shipley and West Yorkshire Transport Authority Metro has had to provide an extra Yellow Bus from the town’s market square to ensure pupils are able to get to school on time.

Councillor Susan Hinchcliffe (Lab, Windhill & Wrose), who has written to both First and Metro about the issue, said at least 25 pupils were affected by the changes and she had received a lot of calls from worried parents.

She said: “Children are now having to take two buses to get to school and they only manage that because Metro is putting an extra loop service on between Shipley Market and the school.

“This is substantially extending the school day and we anticipate the problem being exacerbated during the winter nights when they have to wait around in the dark and cold. As school numbers rise this situation is just going to get worse, not better.”

Coun Hinchcliffe said she had asked First Bus to restore the 624 service or for a second Yellow Bus to be provided from Wrose.

Jayne O’Hagan, of West Royd Drive, Windhill, whose two sons attend the school, said: “It’s a mess, I don’t really understand the logic behind removing the service. This is not just about me and my children, it’s about the whole estate. It’s making life difficult for everyone.

“People were happy with how the buses were, they’ve had to rethink their schedules.”

A spokesman for Metro said: “The existing yellow bus will continue indefinitely and discussions about the introduction of a second bus in September are ongoing with the school and local operators.”

A First spokesman said: “We are working closely with Metro on these issues and will take on board the views being put forward by Coun Hinchcliffe.”