A thriving historic community centre is set for a revamp if enough funds can be raised.

Trustees of Cottingley Town Hall are trying to secure £20,000 to transform the overgrown back yard into a play area for children.

Ambitious plans also include plastering and painting the upstairs church room of the Grade II listed building and repairing its historic bell.

Built in 1865 by the people for the people as the village meeting place, Cottingley Town Hall is held in trust for the people of the village with an executive committee responsible for organisation and raising finances.

With help from the Heritage Lottery Fund the exterior of the building has been saved but trustees now have to raise about £40,000 and need support from villagers for the hall to reach its full potential.

A £500 grant from Bradford Council's Community Chest fund will help set up a music project for children aged eight to 13 to learn and perform rock and soul music. It is due to start in the near future.

Trustee Hilary Charnock said: "With all these plans and challenges the committee is looking for people in the village to help keep this asset alive and ready for the future."

Transforming the overgrown back yard into a rubber-based play area and a tarmac area for community use will cost about £20,000.

A further £16,000 is needed to paint the church hall used by the Free Christian Church because its high ceiling will need pneumatic scaffolding.

The hall's external clock keeps time but its striking mechanism and bolts which hold the bell in place need safety work costing £2,000.

And the hall suffered a setback with the news that part of the heating system needed to be replaced at a cost £4,000.

"To reach the full potential of Cottingley Town Hall it needs more money and more people," said Mrs Charnock.

"If people are interested in taking on a particular project and trying to move things forward and secure funds, it would be great."

The hall's community rooms are used most days of the week - hosting church drop-in sessions, a police community contact point, Cottingley Pre-school Playgroup and Beavers, Cubs and Scouts groups.

It is also used for dog training and line dancing sessions and is home to the village History Society and Townswomen's Guild.

Contact Mrs Charnock on 07904 342627.

e-mail: fiona.evans@bradford.newsquest.co.uk