A mother who set up a support group for children with blood disorders is organising a charity event to help raise money for families affected by the illnesses.

Wendy Smith is hoping that the musical extravaganza at Pudsey Civic Hall later this month will raise lots of money for families affected by haemophilia, von Willebrand's, Thalassaemia and other blood disorders.

Wendy's two sons, Jacob, nine, and Daniel, 18, both have haemophilia and it was because there was no support network that she set one up 15 years ago.

Now BD Kids helps families whose children are affected by blood disorders in various ways, from organising trips abroad to providing funds for music classes or extra equipment that may be needed in the home.

"I started the support group 15 years ago and got the charity registered nine years ago," said Wendy, of Wibsey. "Now the families meet up and support one another in whatever ways they can."

Wendy's sons manage their conditions themselves. Jacob and Daniel both administer medicine which helps to improve their mobility three times a week through an intravenous injection.

Daniel's employers at Better Parts on the Euroway Estate have been very understanding of his condition and allow him to administer his treatment at work. And Jacob's school, Reevy Hill Primary School, has also been very understanding and staff have received the necessary training.

"With their treatment they are able to lead a more normal life than they would do," said Wendy.

"It's the people and their attitude to them that has made the most difference. It's about being accepted and understood."

The concert is on Friday, October 20, from 6.30pm. Among the performers will be dancers from Buttershaw Business and Enterprise College, concert pianist Aaron Tomlinson and singer/songwriter Vinny James.

Tickets, £15, are available from Wendy on 07968 760487.

e-mail: sunita.bhatti@bradford.newsquest.co.uk


  • Haemophilia is an inherited genetic blood condition in which an essential clotting factor is either partly or completely missing, which causes a person to bleed for longer than normal. Cuts and grazes are not great problems as a little pressure and a plaster are usually enough to stop bleeding. The main problem is internal bleeding into joints, muscles and soft tissues. Haemophilia affects females as carriers and males who inherit the condition.
  • Von Willebrand's is an inherited disorder of the blood which leads to abnormal bleeding. It affects both sexes. It is actually a group of similar diseases all caused by a problem with one particular protein in the blood (known as Von Willebrand factor) which plays an essential part in clotting by helping platelets to stick to the walls of a damaged blood vessel.
  • Thalassaemia is the disorder of haemoglobin, which contains iron and transports oxygen from the lungs around the body.