The new Bradford and Airedale Teaching Primary Care Trust (tPCT) came into existence yesterday as part of the re-organisation of primary care trusts in England.

It is formed from Airedale, Bradford City Teaching, Bradford South & West and North Bradford PCTs, and is working to the same boundaries as Bradford Council.

Based at Douglas Mill, Bradford, the tPCT will focus on developing primary and community health services and commissioning a broad range of services to meet the needs of the 500,000 people living in the district.

Chief executive Simon Morritt, formerly director of strategy and system reform at NHS Yorkshire and the Humber, and chairman John Chuter, who was chairman of Bradford District Care Trust, are leading the organisation.

Mr Morritt said: "Bringing together the four PCTs means we can deliver patient care in the most efficient and effective way and meet the challenges of the future.

"My aim is to not only maintain the excellent reputation this health economy already has, but build upon it to ensure we deliver the best possible services. Over the coming months this will mean changes to the internal structure of the NHS, however this will not affect the quality of health services we provide and the best interests of patients will continue to be at the heart of planning for the future."

Mr Chuter said: "Each of the individual PCTs has enjoyed national recognition for innovative work in numerous fields.

"The creation of the new tPCT will be an opportunity to build on a wealth of experience, learned from each other and share successes from each organisation.

"I am also keenly aware of the rich diversity which exists within the communities that the new organisation will be serving, and I know that out-going PCTs have worked hard to ensure local voices are heard. I am committed to strengthening the ties between the tPCT, patients and the public so we can work together to provide the best possible health care for everyone living in Airedale and Bradford."

The trust's inaugural board meeting took place today at 10am at Douglas Mill.

The re-organisation also sees the three Primary Care Trusts in Huddersfield and North Kirklees come together to form Kirklees Primary Care Trust (PCT).

Kirklees PCT will be responsible for the health of about 402,000 people across nine localities in Central and South Huddersfield, Dewsbury, Batley and Spen.

Mike Potts has been appointed as chief executive and Rob Napier, chairman.

They also held their inaugural board meeting today.


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