Our local Guardian must have been delighted to print Croydon Council's attack on our leading local paper for daring to speak out.

The curiously ill-tempered letter condemns the council from its own mouth.

Apparently the faceless corporate services committee will dispense summary justice to Kaleidoscope for having the temerity to talk to the press.

It is trying to do this, “because the Guardian and Kaleidoscope have colluded” to make Kaleidoscope's 23-minute delay in placing a bid “into a public issue”.

What is worse, the council goes on to state baselessly about the Guardian that “one is minded to question your own interest in this matter”.

The message this time is that if the council does not like your attitude, vilification is also a weapon that ity can use.

No wonder the culture of customer care is so absent in the town hall when an unelected mandarin issues this kind of rebuke to the press.

If the Labour-controlled council treats the press like that, just think what it does to the individual private citizen.

It is time we had a new broom in the town hall to sweep out this breathtakingly arrogant approach.

The council is there to serve us, not the other way around.

Maxwell J Hancock

Abbots Green