A pressure group claims fuel poverty could claim the lives of as many as 25 people in Keighley this winter.

The warning has been highlighted by a charity as part of the launch of a new lifeline for unpaid carers who cannot afford to heat their homes properly.

The initiative, which is being launched on Friday at Central Hall, in Alice Street, is led by the Carers’ Resource and is designed to highlight how rising gas and electric bills are worsening the plight of those looking after vulnerable loved ones.

A spokesman for the project said: “Latest research reveals that around one-in-five households in Bradford and Keighley district suffer from fuel poverty – when at least ten per cent of income is spent on fuel.

“In some more deprived communities, this figure more than doubles to almost 40 per cent of households. In the face of a tough economic climate, and forecasts of a bitterly-cold winter ahead, there are fears that this situation will worsen.

“It is estimated by pressure group National Energy Action that fuel poverty could claim about 25 lives in Keighley.”

The Carers’ Resource, which has bases in Shipley and Skipton, aims to raise awareness of the help and advice available to carers who are facing a struggle to make ends meet.

Head of development Anna Jackson said: “Carers and those they look after are often the hardest hit by rising energy costs, as they grapple with balancing lower household incomes and higher living costs than the average family.”

Friday’s launch in Central Hall coincides with Carers' Rights Day. Both carers and cared-for people will be offered free advice.

The event will run from 10am to 3pm. A similar event will take place at the same time at the Rendezvous Hotel, in Skipton. For more information call (01274) 449660 or (01756) 700888.