The mother of a young man who sufferers from a syndrome called Fragile X is setting up a friendship club for young people suffering from the disability.

Dennis Gale, 21, of Little Horton, Bradford, was diagnosed with the condition, which causes a range of intellectual disabilities and behaviours, after his family moved to England from India when he was 14.

He has since gone on to celebrate many achievements.

Now his mother, Josephine Gale, is calling on parents of other young people with Fragile X to come forward to form a friendship club.

She is supporting today’s Fragile X Awareness Day, organised by the Fragile X Society, which is being marked in the UK and in 16 countries across Europe.

The syndrome affects about 150,000 Europeans and although it is almost as widespread as cystic fibrosis and muscular dystrophy, it is widely under-diagnosed.